Epoxy Technology Coatings can take care of your Houston TX garage floor coating needs. If you have been looking at your current garage floor and thinking this is not a good look, then it’s time for a change. Many people don’t’ realize that they don’t have to stick with the concrete floors in their garage.
As a company, we always hear clients talk about how much time they took to choose the flooring for their home’s interior. When it came to their garage, they never even realized or considered changing it. Now they know that they have the choice of changing their flooring to something that is more reliable.
Epoxy is a flooring technology that has been around for a number of years. Since it has been used, it has proven to be of great benefit wherever it is installed. For the most part, many people know that it is used in a variety of commercial spaces. There is a reason why we see this technology used in these spaces, and that is because of the benefits that they provide.

Enhance the look of your garage with a Houston TX garage floor coating.
As more people become more aware of these benefits, they realize that they can be used in their residential spaces. So, at Epoxy Technology Coatings, we have an epoxy flooring residential service. You can trust that we use the highest quality garage epoxy coating system. So, you are guaranteed customers satisfaction with the product that you are getting.
Take a look at the benefits of a Houston, TX garage floor coating. Then look at the colors that are available for you to choose from. When you have made your color selection give us a call and get your Houston TX garage floor coating installed.
Transform your garage with an epoxy floor
Houston TX garage floor coating is something that has many benefits. Take a look or imagine your garage floor. There are most likely cracks in the ground, scratches on the ground, and you may have been dreading cleaning it because it requires a lot of effort.
Well, with an epoxy coating, you don’t have to worry about any of those any longer. Epoxy flooring is easy to clean because there are no cracks in the ground. In addition to that, it is abrasion resistant, slip-resistant, heat-resistant, and lastly impact resistant.
So, you can now see why many resident owners are considering this for their garages. Take a look at what else makes our epoxy residential flooring service great.
Epoxy Coating Colors for you to choose
Something that is great to know about getting an epoxy Houston TX garage floor coating is that you can choose the color that you want. In addition to all the benefits that we listed earlier, you are not stuck which just a couple of color options.
We pride ourselves on having many epoxy color options, and we know how much that means to our clients. With that being said, look at all the different options that we have available for you to choose from.
Clients love the color choosing process because it allows them to be creative. Some clients choose colors based on the storage they have in the garage. Other clients like to match the color scheme that they have in their home, so it is a nice flow. We also have clients that will try and match their flooring with their vehicles, or they at least try to complement that color.
So, you have the freedom choosing what you feel represents you and your space the best. If you ever need help choosing a color, our experts can assist you with that.
Metallic and Solid Epoxy Flooring Colors
The first two colors that we have are metallic and solid epoxy flooring. Metallic is a color that adds a nice

Choose a unique color for your garage.
shine to the space or an object. So, this is a great option for those who want to see a nice reflection of their new Houston TX garage floor coating.
In total, there are 18 metallic epoxy flooring colors. Then we also have 5 extra colors that are on the neutral side that have Mika. If you are familiar with Mika, you will know that it adds an extra shine to whatever it is in. So, this is also an option for those who want it.
Next, we have our solid epoxy flooring colors. In this, we have a mix of neutral and bold colors to choose from. The first group of solid colors is made of an epoxy and polyaspartic coating, and there are a total of 13 colors in that category. Second, we have 5 more colors also on the neutral side that are made of quartz. So with this, you have the choice of material and color.
Brindle Flake and Blended Flake Epoxy Flooring Colors
The last two colors contain flakes in the final product. First, we have brindle flake epoxy flooring. With brindle flake, the flooring options are made of different stone materials. The options available include basalt, cobalt, pumice, obsidian, and garnet. Each makes a unique color palette and is sure to stand out in your garage.
Lastly, we have blended flake epoxy flooring. With this option, you have the choice of picking the size of the flake. For a bigger flake size, the 1/4th flake is a great option, and there are a total of 17 color options. Then for a smaller flake size, choose the 1/8th flake. For this option, there are a total of 7 color options.
Houston TX garage floor coating
Now you have more information on the Houston TX garage floor coating colors that you can choose from. Make your final decision and then call our amazing team.
We are excited to have the opportunity of serving clients in the Houston area. In addition, we are serving

Call Epoxy Technology Coatings at (832) 321-4747.
all the communities and cities around such as Missouri City, Sugar land, and even Katy. So, no matter where you are, we can come to you and have your new garage floor coating installed.
Let Epoxy Technology Coatings be the company that installs your Houston TX garage floor coating, and call us today.
Facts about Houston TX
- Visit the Galleria, a mall with 4 floors of shops
- Houston is known for its diversity
- Be a part of the downtown nightlife
- Learn more about Houston, Tx by visiting the city’s website