If you are looking for Richmond TX Epoxy Resin Floor, you have found the right place with Epoxy Technology Coatings. With more than a decade of serving the greater Houston area with exceptional customer service and affordable pricing, Epoxy Technology Coatings is ready to help you. We have all the solutions for all your flooring needs.
Epoxy Flooring is Needed

Call Epoxy Tech Houston for all your Richmond TX Epoxy Resin Floor needs.
The daily grind for a garage floor is a challenge. It has to deal with dust, dirt, heat, cold, and moisture. That does not even touch the amount of pressure parking on it puts. When chemicals and grease fall onto the flooring, they can cause stains and damage if not cleaned well.
After a short period of time, your garage flooring that was once gorgeous starts to show its age. It cracks or chips away. Pits might have formed where cars or people walk.
If not properly maintained, repairs to your garage can cost you thousands of dollars. You may even have to replace your foundations completely.
These repairs will make your garage unusable for weeks. You will have to pay so much money without any reason. If you want to avoid these kinds of extensive repairs, then you need protection for your flooring.
Options for Protecting Your Floor
There are numerous ways available to you to protect your flooring. The most common way for the Do-It-Yourselfer is to paint the floor. While this does have some benefits, these are predominantly superficial fixes. Mainly, paint helps your garage to look cleaner. It does not actually fix anything.
The better choice for actually protecting your garage flooring is to use epoxy. Coating your garage flooring in epoxy resin provides the protection of the most durable and strongest option available to you.
Epoxy flooring works just like an epoxy adhesive. It is a chemical solution that creates a polymer between two surfaces. For flooring, this epoxy solution is a thermosetting resin and a hardener. When mixed, they form a thick, tough layer to sticks to concrete very powerfully.
Epoxy flooring can last anywhere from ten to twenty years of use before requiring resurfacing. Many companies offer a fifteen-year warranty on the work they do with flooring. With the amount of confidence those companies have, you can be sure that you are getting the best choice for your needs.
While there are definitely upfront costs that come with epoxy flooring, the longevity that epoxy offers you makes it a very cost-effective option for most people. It is certainly cheaper than replacing your whole garage foundation.

Richmond TX epoxy resin floor
Why You Need Epoxy Flooring
There are a lot of reasons that you should install an epoxy resin floor in your garage. One of the best reasons is that epoxy acts as a concrete sealer.
Moisture is the most dangerous thing for concrete. It can cause cracking and chipping. This makes your flooring less safe to use. If it is left untreated, then you will have to replace the whole floor. Epoxy prevents this by not allowing moisture to reach the concrete at all, stopping the damage before it can begin.
The second reason that you should get an epoxy floor is that it can act as a repairing tool for your cracked or chipping floor. Not only does it prevent damage, but epoxy can also fix what has already happened. Because epoxy sinks into the concrete, it holds the pieces together. This reduces the effects of any damage that has already occurred.
Epoxy also makes your garage easier to clean. Lightly colored epoxies hide dirt and dust, making cleaning constantly a less necessary task. And because garages can be messy places, epoxies also only require soap and water to remove those harsh chemicals.
Epoxies also make your garage look better, improving your home’s overall value. Because epoxy can come in infinite designs, you can trust that your garage will look exactly how you want it to. And since epoxy can gleam for decades, your garage will be a brighter, safer room overall.
Richmond TX Epoxy Resin Floor
While we do offer some of our products for the DIY experts, there are a number of reasons why you should hire a professional company to install your garage flooring for you.
The first and strongest reason for hiring a company to do the work for you is that professionals can foresee costly mistakes long before they happen and work to avoid them. Epoxy is a challenging substance to work with. It hardens rapidly. It requires proper prior preparation to stick to a surface adequately.
If the flooring is not actually cleaned and dried, then the epoxy might not stick well. This could damage the concrete and hurt your flooring. This would leave you in a worse position than you were in before.
The second reason that you are better off hiring a company for your flooring needs is that companies can offer you a better look. If you want a complicated flooring pattern for your garage, then you should hire a person with experience so that it looks as good as possible.
The third reason you should hire a company to install your flooring is that companies offer you more reliable cost and time estimates. Companies with track records of expertise can see problems before they happen and avoid them. This keeps your project on track and within your budget.
Hire Epoxy Technology Coatings Today

Call Epoxy Technology Coatings today for your new epoxy resin flooring needs.
At Epoxy Technology Coatings, we strive to meet all of your needs. We guarantee that your garage will get the best looking, highest quality results possible with our business.
For over a decade, we have worked in homes and businesses to provide flooring for our customers. We have installed more than one million square feet of flooring. Since 2005, our friendly, knowledgeable experts staff has helped customers with all of their flooring needs.
We pride ourselves on offering reliable, valuable, 24/7 service and all-around support. Our job is to solve your problem as quickly as possible.
We promise you better, faster solutions. We guarantee that you will receive the highest quality service around. We do this by actively listening to you and paying attention to the details. We believe that quality produces durability. If you want the best professionals to serve you, give us a call.
If you seek Richmond TX epoxy resin floor companies, then you need Epoxy Technology Coatings. With over a decade of installing flooring, we are ready to meet all of your needs. Call today for a complimentary estimate.
Richmond TX Fun Facts
- Only fifteen minutes from Houston.
- The city originally consisted of a single log hut.
- Richmond was established in 1837.
- For more information, visit us!