A Katy, TX commercial epoxy floor isn’t just easy to clean and durable – these floors can look great, too! These floors are strong enough to weather any wear and tear. Plus, they are ridiculously easy to clean and maintain, which means less money is spent on janitorial services. A commercial epoxy floor is also available in a wide range of patterns and colors, so there is sure to be something that perfectly fits your business!

If you need a Katy, TX commercial epoxy floor, be sure to check out Epoxy Technology Coatings.
If you are interested in epoxy flooring for your business, then come to Epoxy Technology Coatings! Our business is the leading installer of commercial epoxy flooring in the Greater Houston Area, and we are always eager to work with new clients to get them the flooring solutions they need.
Other epoxy flooring companies might use the same high-quality products we do, but they don’t have our experience or technical know-how. At Epoxy Technology Coatings, our crew is expertly trained to install epoxy flooring smoothly and evenly. Flooring is one of those things that few people think about unless something is wrong. Our crew will ensure that you will never need to think about your flooring after this!
Contact our office today to learn more about the services we provide and to get a FREE estimate. You can reach Epoxy Technology Coatings by phone or by using our web form. We are excited to learn more about your business and come up with the best epoxy solutions for you!
Why a Katy, TX Commercial Epoxy Floor is Worth It!
Epoxy is a type of thermosetting plastic. These types of plastics undergo a curing process that leaves them irreversibly hardened. As opposed to the thermoplastics that make up milk jugs and disposable water bottles, thermosetting plastics will not be softened by heat. Instead, they are heat resistant, and epoxy is often chemical resistant and incredibly durable as well.

Epoxy can be tailored to your business!
Epoxy resin undergoes a curing process when it is mixed with a chemical hardener. When the epoxy resin is mixed with the hardener, the combined liquid components will start to transform into a solid. An epoxied floor might take around seven days to fully cure, although the floor will generally be usable after 24 hours.
There is a lot to love about epoxy flooring. In addition to the durability and strength granted to them by their chemical composition, these epoxy floors are also very easy to clean. In most cases, all you need is a daily sweep and wet mop to keep them looking great. You only need to deep clean these floors very occasionally.
Epoxy floors are also very easy to customize with the patterns and colors of your choice. If you are running a hospital, you can choose a darkly speckled or solid-colored floor to add sophistication to the space. If you own a store, then a flaked pattern can help hide spills and stains between cleanings.
How an Epoxy Floor is Installed
There are many different professionals out there who all have their own preferred methods of installing a Katy, TX commercial epoxy floor. If you are interested in the very basics of how many contractors install their flooring, then Epoxy Technology Coatings is more than happy to provide a general overview.
Step 1: Prepare the Concrete
Before any epoxy can be applied, the concrete floor must be prepared. This generally involves grinding the floor down with an industrial grinder, ensuring that any old coatings and sealants are removed. It also serves to open up the pores in the concrete, which will help the epoxy adhere to the floor.
Epoxy flooring will not adhere properly if there are any stains, solvents, or grease on the concrete. Damaged surfaces must be prepared, so if there are any cracks or holes in the concrete, they will be filled up with an epoxy patching material.
Step 2: Apply the Primer
Once the concrete floor is sufficiently prepared, it is time to apply the first coat of epoxy to serve as a primer. The epoxy will be mixed together using resin (Part A) and hardener (Part B). The mix that professionals use is 100% solids, as opposed to the 50% solids mixes often found in DIY kits.
Our crew will pour the epoxy out onto the floor and spread it out using rollers, brushes, and rubber squeegees. We will ensure that the epoxy is spread out thinly and evenly, which will ensure that puddling does not occur. It is very important that the primer layer is applied well, as it will serve as a stable foundation for the following layers.
Step 3: Add in Color
Now is the time to customize your flooring with colors! Epoxy Technology Coatings offers our customers many color options, ranging from fun flakes to elegant pebbles that mimic the look of real rocks and even metallic paints. No matter what kind of flooring look you are aiming for, there is sure to be something perfect for your commercial space!
These colors don’t just serve a visual purpose; the flakes and pebble options also serve to increase traction and grit. Here are some of the many color options that we offer. Plus, if you don’t see anything that scratches your itch, feel free to reach out to us about getting a custom blend!

We offer our floors in many interesting colors!
- Solid epoxy floor colors
- Blended flake epoxy floor coverings
- Brindle flake epoxy floor coverings
- Lava flow metallic epoxy floor colors
Step 4: Seal It Off
After the color is applied, our crew will pour out a clear topcoat over the entire epoxy floor. This topcoat will serve to lock in all the layers and ensure that the floor lasts for a lifetime. Once the topcoat is applied, it will need to be cured for at least a day, depending on the size of the room.
If you are interested in getting epoxy flooring of your own, be sure to contact Epoxy Technology Coatings at our Richmond office! We are excited to work with you on your Katy, TX commercial epoxy floor!
Katy, TX Fun Facts:
- Greater Katy is one of the fastest-growing regions of Texas.
- The City of Katy is much smaller than the Greater Katy area.
- Many Venezuelan immigrants have made Katy their home.