Home » Commercial Grade Epoxy Floor Paint | Katy TX

Commercial Grade Epoxy Floor Paint | Katy TX

Epoxy Technology Coatings will show you that Katy, TX commercial grade epoxy floor paint isn’t something to scoff at. Some people call epoxy “paint,” but it isn’t technically floor paint. Although epoxy floors are poured out with rollers like typical floor paint, epoxy floors are made out of a type of synthetic resin. Unlike normal floor paint, epoxy floor “paint” is durable, resistant to scratches and chemicals, and easy to maintain for years.

Katy TX Commercial Grade Epoxy Floor Paint

Our team will install the best epoxy floors you’ve ever seen. Contact us today to get your free quote!

So, what is epoxy? Epoxy floor coating is a type of resin designed specifically for floor use. It’s usually made from a two-part epoxy resin system, providing high durability and strength. That’s why this type of floor coating system is ideal for areas with a lot of foot traffic or where there’s a risk of the floor being damaged by heavy machinery.

This type of coating is usually applied in thick layers, which helps to protect the floor from everyday wear and tear. It can also provide you with other benefits, including a slip-resistance surface. Of course, commercial grade epoxy floor paint come in a variety of colors and designs so that you can always find something that will match your style.

Unlike paint, epoxy can be a tricky medium to work with. That’s why you’ll want a team of professionals to handle it for you. If you think it’s time to upgrade your plain concrete floors to something more, contact Epoxy Technology Coatings. Our team will listen to what you have to say, answer questions, and give you a free quote!

Katy, TX Commercial Grade Epoxy Floor Paint with Great Results

Whether you want to upgrade your residential garage floor or the concrete in your commercial shop, you want a quality floor. Of course, there are many flooring options out there, from plain concrete to tiles. However, someone’s choice of flooring might not be the choice for you and your space. There are many factors to consider when choosing the right type of floor for you.

First, you should consider the purpose of the space. Will it be a high-traffic area? Then you’ll want a floor that can withstand a lot of wear and tear. If it’s an area where customers will be spending a lot of time, you’ll also want a floor that’s comfortable and easy to clean.

Once you figure out all the key points you want for your new floor, it’s time to check out all options. We highly recommend getting an epoxy floor. If you already have a plain, concrete floor, an epoxy one will be a simple upgrade. There’ll be no need to rip out the concrete slabs to install another flooring because epoxy is a floor coating that is poured on top of it.

Katy TX Commercial Grade Epoxy Floor Paint

Epoxy Technology Coatings will show you why our Katy, TX Commercial Grade Epoxy Floor Paint shows better results than normal floor paint.

Epoxy resin, the main ingredient in epoxy floors, is a synthetic resin often used as an adhesive or sealant. It’s made up of two parts: a resin and a hardener. Mixing these two parts together creates a chemical reaction that causes the mixture to harden. Epoxy resin is strong and durable, making it an ideal choice for various applications, including strengthening your concrete floors.

Learn the Greatness of the Advantages Epoxy Floors Bring You

There are many advantages to epoxy floors, including their durability, resistance to staining and spills, and easy maintenance. Not to mention, they provide a slip-resistant surface, which can help create a safer work environment. You won’t regret getting an epoxy floor once you’ve seen how it looks on your floor yourself.

When anyone mentions the durability of a floor or anything for that matter, they’re talking about how well it can withstand everyday wear and tear. The better it can hold up against it, the more durable the material. And you’ll be surprised to know that epoxy floors are durable enough to be resistant to abrasions, impacts, water, chemicals, spills, stains, heat, and other things that could happen in a commercial or industrial setting.

On top of providing a slip-resistant surface, most epoxy floors also make any room brighter. When you’re choosing the finish on your epoxy floors, you can decide between matte, semi-gloss, and full gloss. The glossier it is, the more reflective the floor becomes. The more reflective the floor, the more light it’ll reflect, making any dark corner more visible than before, making it a safer and brighter work environment.

Decorate Your Epoxy Floor the Way You Want It to Look

You can find a variety of designs and colors for Katy, TX commercial grade epoxy floor paint. These colors can range from simple and classic to bold and modern. There are various ways you can customize the look of your epoxy floor, and the possibilities are endless. Here at Epoxy Technology Coatings, we have over 200 epoxy colors and designs you can choose from, so take your time looking through them.

Choose from a variety of colors and designs to create a unique and stylish floor that will make a statement in any space. Whether you want a sleek and shiny floor for your commercial garage or a fun and funky design for your hair salon, there is an epoxy color and design that will suit your needs. First, pick your color out of solid or metallic epoxy colors. If those colors aren’t enough, you can also check out the blended and brindle flake colors that can add another layer of texture to your floors.

Katy TX Commercial Grade Epoxy Floor Paint

Our flooring systems will completely transform your business. Call us to get your free quote today.

Upgrade Your Floor with the Help of Epoxy Technology Coatings

An epoxy floor coating may be the right option for you when you’re looking for a new type of flooring. Call our team at Epoxy Technology Coatings today to get a free estimate from us. We have locations throughout the greater Houston area, so we’ll be able to install new epoxy floors for you no matter where you are in the surrounding areas. We proudly serve the Katy area as well, and we’ll be sure to install the highest quality Katy, TX commercial grade epoxy floor paint for you at an affordable rate.

Katy, Texas Fun Facts:

  • The area used to be the hunting grounds of the Karankawa Natives.
  • It was the feeding grounds of buffalo, various game birds, longhorn cattle, deer, and wolves.
  • Once settlers moved in, the area became known for rice farming.